If your home is higher than average value, you simply should not trust your insurance to any low priced insurance carrier. The simple facts are that companies that target and market to cost cutters and ‘average’ homes just don’t have the muscle to handle a High Valued Home.

You need an insurance company with

  • The financial strength to handle your High Value home
  • The insurance products that contemplate your life style
  • The claim paying reputation that give you peace of mind

There are a literal "handful" of companies that fit this profile. The good news is that these companies compete for quality business and recognize the real importance of providing value for this important purchase.

Typical Features

  • Most high value homes come with an insurance appraisal and the appraisal fee is usually covered by the insurer
  • High value policies often carry higher limits of jewelry.
  • Wine cellars or wine collections can be insured
  • Antiques and fine art can be insured to replacement cost.
  • Most policies offer a comprehensive coverage option for mechanical or electrical damage to appliances and home systems.
  • Some insurers offer replacement cost with no obligation to rebuild without deduction for depreciation.

Real life experience

We have successfully placed homes from Ocean County to Franklin Lakes and places in between with insurance carriers that have the knowledge and sophistication needed to meet the needs of discerning individuals.


Usually, $750,000 of replacement cost for the dwelling building is the entry point. There is no upper limit and placements in the $5,000,000 range are not uncommon.

In many ways, large personal lines accounts and small business accounts are quite similar.

Homes with One Million home in building limits can actually represent over $2 Million in total property values at risk… and that’s for openers!

Many Small Business accounts don’t have those values at risk! Thing twice before you trust a “Green Lizard” to handle this for you…

PJ Giannini